
We Believe
Every person regardless of their
position has the potential to
stand out and be exceptional
in the workplace

Helping others maximize
Their True

Elevate Your
Corporate Seminars

Executive Presence, Professional Presence or the "It Factor"
Over the years we have dealt with some of the top corporations in America and they all say the same thing in one way or another; "We want our employees to look professional, act professional and communicate in a professional manner." Some may call it professionalism, professional presence or executive presence, but essentially it boils down to the same thing which is learning a skill set that elevates the individual, the personal brand and ultimately the brand of the organization.
We are of the opinion that if you want a job you acquire the technical skills, and if you want a career you learn the people skills. Research conducted by Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation and Stanford Research Center has concluded that 85% of job success comes from having well-developed soft and people skills, and only 15% of job success comes from knowledge and technical skills.
At Advancing With Style we work with you, whether you are an individual in need of one-on-one training, a small to mid-sized business looking to train their sales force, a group of managers or the C-suite, or a large corporation looking for a national training solution. By identifying your requirements, we can provide high-quality training across a variety of disciplines, specifically tailored to your company. We adopt an evaluative approach to ensure that we bring value to you and your corporation.
If you are ready to make some changes, please feel free to contact us.
The key to success in your career goes beyond what you learn at college or university. Get a Job, Keep a Job is a no-nonsense book that explains how to position yourself when job searching, as well as the power skills you will need to survive and thrive in that first year on the job, and how to succeed in your career - invaluable advice for anyone new to the workplace. It is a must-read book for recent university and college graduates, new hires and young professionals who want to jump-start their career.
A few of the esteemed companies we've worked with