Business Email Communication
Technology will continue to advance at an exponential rate and everyday business communication will establish technology and mainly email as the major form of communication. While the current generation prefers to communicate in a language of text messaging with its own acronyms, symbols and slang, it is imperative for them to understand that while this is acceptable when socializing with friends, it is not acceptable in business.
The task facing companies is to train their employees how to communicate professionally whether communicating face-to-face, by phone, text message or e-mail. Issues that arise often stem from the fact that many people do not understand that business communication is totally different from social text messaging, and lack the formal training in how to compose an email and what is the appropriate form of communication for different situations. Another factor is younger and older generations have different expectations and preferences in communication.
Advancing With Style can offer your employees a seminar or webinar on E-mail Etiquette and business communication.
Email Etiquette Training
- How to compose
- Misinterpreting the tone
- Signatures
- Attachments
- Flaming
- Abbreviations and slang
- Proofreading and spell checking
- 5 things before you press send
- 7 rules for text messaging
- Selecting the right form of communication
- Your e-mail impression
- Correct usage of Cc and Bcc
- The dangerous Reply to all
- The 4 rules when replying
- Acceptable salutations and closings
- Formal vs. informal e-mail
- Creating an informative subject line
Available as a lunch & learn, webinar or seminar
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